Key-stakeholders involved:
- Tese
- Territorios Creativos
- Fitness Hut
- Decathlon
- Santa Casa
- Nossa Senhora da Nazaré
- Conselho Português para os Refugiados (CPR)
- Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa
Key-stakeholders involved:
Social Innovation Sports proposes the use of sports as a tool for the integration of refugees – in particular unaccompanied minors (15 to 18 years old) – through their social/professional inclusion, integral development and intercultural dialogue. It also promotes the professional inclusion in decent conditions of beneficiaries of working age, particularly the younger ones, including the dimensions of subordinate work and entrepreneurship.
The project’s activities focused on three main axis: a) organization of sporting activities with impact; b) promotion of social and/or professional skills training and; c) support in connection to the labor market and contact with companies.
Between 2020 and 2022 the project has impacted 176 refugees by involving 82 of them in job awareness actions, 13 professional contracts in El Corte Inglês and 21 young professional internships (EL Corte Inglês, Lidl, IKEA.)
The project has developed a methodology through which it supports young refugees by strengthening their psychosocial competencies and empowering them through the promotion of their integral development and their active citizenship (ie civic, social, sporting skills), while simultaneously involving civil society.